
New York Blisters

by 11.10.11

Hello lovelies,

During my stay in the States with Kamelot, I spend one day with Elise in New York.

We took the bus from Secaucus into NY which was only 6 dollars for a round trip! 30 Minutes later we were in the center and ready to walk for hours to come.

Stupid me wore ballerina shoes, which are not the best for lots of walking.

I had to go to the Sephora on Times Square and Elise had to find some shoes. Sephora and me spend 3 hours together. My wallet asked for a divorce. I ended up buying only one item and that was a eyeshadow palette from Stila. I didn't make too many pictures because I only had my Nikkor 50 mm lense. Another mistake and bad preparation for New York. My bad. It is an amazing lens, though.

Enjoy the larger pictures! 

Taken with a Nikon 50 mm lens. Hard to make duo portraits when holding the camera yourself ;)
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