
Banana Bread

Here is something yummy for your tummy, that is, if you like bananas. Watching 'It's Judy's Life' makes me drool most of the time. Food is a key ingredient to their videos and I totally love the fact that they are passionate about healthy food. I have tried...

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Vrolijk Kerstfeest!

This year has flown by like crazy. It was a beautiful year, filled with wonderful experiences. I found out that I was ...

Feel Good Products

It's the time of the year where I long for scented candle light and extra moisturized lips. When the seasons change ...

Miss Minou

On the 27th of November 2012, Oliver and me went to an animal shelter to visit the cats. Schwarzkopf left a void in ...

Autumn Orange

There is one new addition to my orange lipstick collection and it is Manhattan's Intense Lip and Cheek balm in the ...

Soiree Nails

A beautiful nail polish that once was a limited edition is now available in the permanent nail polish line from Mac ...

Kiss Kiss Phone

For some time I have been searching for an iPhone case that has red lips on them. After googling and searching on ...

Walk in the park

Nothing beats a walk in the park to clear your mind and fill your lungs with fresh air. We are lucky in Germany to ...

Face of the Day - MommyStyle

Being a new mom means almost no time to get ready for the day. Make up needs to be quick and easy. Not much fussing ...

Beauty Bin #4

Sensodyne Tooth Paste Whitening and Normal 75 ML A staple in my everyday routine. I do prefer the normal above the ...

All That Glitters

As you might have noticed, my eye make up is going through a pink phase. It instantly brightens up my eyes. One of ...

Beautiful Birth - HypnoBirthing -

I wanted to take the time to inform you about Hypnobirthing and how it has worked for me. Hypnobirthing stands for a ...

Hair Care

One of the most asked questions is how I take care of my hair. Normally I wash them every second day. Sometimes I ...


So exciting!! Our official DVD statement: EPICA's Retrospect trailer revealed. On the 23rd March 2013 the Dutch ...