
by 3.9.11

Hello everyone,

Wow, already one year has passed since my first post on Smoonstyle. I never thought that I would have over 2000 subscribers. Thank you!

It's always lovely to meet Epica fans that also follow my blog. It is a lot of fun to update the blog and even more when people appreciate it. I shall continue to keep you all informed with SmoonStyle material.

Here is an exhibit of when it all began. I must have been about 2 years old on this photo. My dad was always carrying a camera around and I guess that I got inspired by him. He is very talented and very creative. His current camera is the Nikon D7000.

Flashing kisses,
Me at work at only 2 years old.

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  1. Owwwwwwwwn beautiful *-*

  2. Anonymous3.9.11

    Love it! You're so cute!!!

  3. Anonymous3.9.11

    Que fofa! *-*

  4. From small with the camera! Amazing, you're great Simone! ♥ kisess from Uruguay!

  5. Anonymous3.9.11

    owwn linda! ♥

  6. Linda Lindaa linda!

  7. Lovely socks!! i also dressed like this!! xD

  8. Happy "birthday" to you blog Simone! And thank you for this wonderful year of sharing everything! Love you , your voice, your blog and your heart:)

  9. Aaawnn that cute photo! *.* thanks for sharing with us!

    Congratulations Simone! for many posts more! ;)

  10. Omg, such a cutie!

  11. Happy anniversary! , you look very cute , and lovely in your picture :)
    I love to know ever about you, and obvuiously I love your band Epica!!

    Is very nice to know everything that you do, your tastes , and ever about you, I love your blog :)

    far away Kisses from a Chilean fans

    :) bye bye ~♥

  12. Always stylish and cute! =}

  13. Happy Anniversary, Simone. Very cute photo!

  14. wow My Birthday is the same day of your blog Anniversary!! Great! \o/

  15. Anonymous3.9.11

    Congrats on your milestone! I'm so glad I discovered your blog. Thank you for sharing this photo.. it's simply precious!


  16. so sweet! happy b-day to your blog :)

  17. Oh dear, you looked so lovely! I wouldn't mind seeing more of your baby pics!

  18. So cute!!! congrats for your blog! thanks for keep sharing with us all those things!

  19. awwwww beautiful girl, you look adorable hehe. Thank you very much for sharing this photo (:
    I like ur cam hihihi

    Take Care Dear We love you .....

    u rocks <3

  20. Ps: ur blog is the best I love it
    greetings for you daddy :)

  21. so cute, molte baci for you and greetings to your dad from Panama, the greatest place in the world

  22. Hi Simone,

    Congratulations for your blog!One year..So fast!But full of lovely things, that you share with us.

    Has been very nice read all this...Read your blog leave me near of you, making part of you life too, like fan.But too like a woman.This is very nice!And see that you too is a,normal woman that have a life besides your work . Very nice see this.

    Agnesc Kisses...:)

  23. Happy b-day Smoon blog!
    You look so cute on that pic!

  24. Congrats Simone!
    We love your blog!
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us!
    I would like to see more of your baby pics!
    You're always so adorable!



  25. Anonymous4.9.11

    Hey Simone!
    Even if we dont see your face,you still look so cute!:-D Your hair looks like in the 70ties,curling outwards.^^
    Im always looking forward to your new posts,nearly as much as I cant wait for the new Epica album!;-)


  26. Happy aniversary!! awww cute girl

  27. Sooooo cute keep make foto's we enjoy them

  28. I love reading your blog! keep it going :) and it was so nice seeing you with kamelot in new york city!

  29. Wow, it's been a year already? don't know why but for some reason it seems like much more to me! congratulations :)

    And why wouldn't we appreciate it?! I mean, your writing is intersting and funny, we enjoy it! you actually let your fans know who you are instead of acting like a diva, we love that about you.

    I always wanted to see pics of you as young Simone! one thing for sure - you were a great photographer since then ;)

  30. Hi Simone, fist of all i really like your music and your voice. I'm really glad of you're work :)
    I'll introduce myself: My name is Rita, i'm 17 years old and i live in Portugal (Lisbon).

    Yesterday i was on youtube and i found that your vocal range is G3-C#6, and i decided to see what was my vocal range, and i was suprised.. i found that my vocal range was E3-F#5.. But today i tried again and the highest note that i can reach is A5.. how is that possible.. I never took singing lessons.. And i'm only 17... I'm So Happy:) So, my question is : What tipe of vocal do i have..? Is it a Mezzo-soprano, or a Soprano... ? Cause i don't understand.. :S

    So, Hope you read my question, and i'd be so so glad if you could answer to my question :)

    Rita xx

  31. You are so cute when you was child..and now you are gorgeous simone...I became your fans when first time someone introducing your great music and vocals to me,. you are my inspiration woman. well I'm Sylvia and I'm 15 years old..I'm from Indonesia..

    I hope someday i could be like you...and my dream is i can meet you ... and i have some request. can you give me an advice how to be good emh exactly great singer like you ? :) You are the best ... anyway happy anniversary of your blogs.. :)

    I hope you see what i wrote her, I'll be so happy if you answer my comment.

    Love hug,

  32. Hi :D Well, you look absolutely cute! See those little legs xD
    Born as an artist, right?

    Well, just like Cieldh (Girl up). I hope someday could meet you ;D You are awesome!

    Gonna go to Epica concerts again :D Im from Mexico ;D


  33. Yeah, cute tiny Smoon!

  34. owwwwwwwwwww... it is so cute jeej

  35. Happy anniversary! Your dad's a good photographer and you're cute as usual ;)

  36. The photo is so cuteee! :D
    Your dad is really a good photographer :)

    Kisses and happy anniversary :)

  37. Hey Simone
    I like your blog as I like your style, its close enough to what I prefer but different enough to give me new ideas. I have always been interested about make up and watched tutorial videos but 'smoonstyle' has inspired me to try out new things and new products.
    I was suppose to comment your lipstick post to keep doing them as I think that was really great. When you try lipstick out on your hand in a store they very often look different on the lips, so it was good to see your pictures and I like the colours. =) Greets from Finland!

  38. ohhh !!!! you was so beautiful baby = )

  39. Very cute picture! I wish I could see more pictures about your childhood, it would be very awesome =).

    Regards and Congratulations for the blog =) I'm following you since you started and it is always a pleasure to read Smoonstyle =).

  40. ohhh you are so cute!! i cant wait to see u here in argentina with mayan!!! kissess! :)!

  41. I love seeing pictures of my favorite artists as a child, if you can post more photos, some that appear your face and your beautiful eyes I would love * - *
    sorry my english
    Kisses from Brazil
